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Telephone (703) 371-
$150.00 (at distance pricing)
Clearings for Prosperity specializes in balancing non-
$125.00 per hour
Successful Solutions for Small Businesses© provides guidance from higher awareness to facilitate business decisions; transform counter-
$125.00 per painting
Healing Art by Jay Quinn is an individualized healing painting that is guided by the Buddha realm and energetically supports the soul in a transformative way. An energetic duplicate of the painting remains active in the Buddha realm for the person’s entire life.
$ Varies by Class
Natural Healing Options is committed to offering workshops that empower individuals to be powerfully present in the world and to be proactive in maintaining well-
$125.00 per Hour
Natural Healing Options offers holistic solutions to alleviate physical, emotional and mental discomfort. Each session is tailored to your personal situation and honors your own unique soul journey. Muscle testing is used to obtain guidance from your higher self which has full knowledge of your situation. The energetic work provides deep, transformative, and lasting results.
Common Themes for Healing Sessions
Natural Healing Options offers gift certificates to introduce our services to your family, friends, neighbors and professional associates. We promise to take good care of them. Sessions can be done in person, over the phone, or at a distance. They are an excellent way to help individuals with the challenges that they are experiencing.
Source: Bottom Line’s Treasury of Natural Remedies; Bottom Line Books; ©2012
Have Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Rheumatoid Arthritis causes inflammation throughout the body that can damage joints as well as the eyes, lungs and/or heart.
Omega 3 fatty acids in cold-
Caution: Fish oil may interact with blood-
Buddhist & angelic sound and images for clearing and balancing the physical body, chakras and etheric bodies.