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Accessing Unconscious Information via Muscle Testing
This class teaches how to use muscle testing to access unconscious information from a wide variety of sources using various dowsing instruments. How the science of kinesiology, the importance of using a clear working muscle, the use of intent, the art of asking "yes" and "no" questions, and the importance of being balanced and in your body, all contribute to getting accurate results.
The course also covers:
How to determine if you are energetically balanced and how to restore equilibrium.
Four questions to ask before working on yourself or another.
Skillful use of various dowsing tools.
How to create arbitrary scales to quantify what degree something will help.
How to define issues and what questions you can be asked when you can't figure it out.
How to use commercially prepared pendulum charts to obtain information on a wide variety of topics such selecting what supplements, herbal remedies or essential oils maybe helpful; determining your pH level, what foods you may be allergic to, what conditions may be influencing how you feel, and much, much more.
Who is the workshop for?
The workshop is for anyone who wants to learn or further their understanding of dowsing/muscle testing to access unconscious information.
Prerequisites: None
Duration: One days
Cost: $125