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Archangel Michael’s Archived Messages

Beneficial Changes (manifesting planetary shifts in the new year) - January 2016

With shifting into the new year, we see great beneficial changes for planet earth on the etheric planes. Whether this manifests in your physical world depends upon each and every one of you.

How to Manifest These Changes

Doing your inner work and maintaining a high energetic vibration is key to bringing in these beneficial changes. Specific focus on doing so, especially during the first three months of this planetary cycle, are extremely important. One does this by doing what you know to do - staying balanced in body, mind and spirit, eating properly and getting the sufficient rest to restore your physical temple.  

Cultivate a loving and compassionate space within oneself all day long.  Spiritual practices, being in Nature and meditation practices are good means to produce an environment for this compassionate state to occur.  One needs to CHOOSE to be loving and compassionate.

If you stay balanced in body, mind and spirit, this state naturally arises.  Renew your efforts each day.

Being attuned to Angelic Resonance® energy and applying the energetic techniques to raise your vibration provide powerful tools to enable the beneficial changes to manifest on the physical plane.

The angelic realm is ready to assist you in your efforts.

With much love and peace,
