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Archangel Michael’s Archived Messages

The Silver Lining in Situations - September 2015

When we speak of the silver lining we are not speaking of the term in the way that it is traditionally used. We are using the term relative to situations. All situation have a silver matrix surrounding the field. As with all metals it is a conductor of energy. This lining is very sensitive to the thoughts, words, and actions of the participants. The highly conductive lining magnifies the vibration of a person fifty fold so your individual positive or negative way of being has powerful consequences on others and collectively affects each member connected to the situation exponentially. For example, if there are five parties involved in the situation, the energy can dramatically impact the vibration of the situation 50 to the power of 5 or 312.5 million times more positively or negatively depending on the overall disposition of the group. Your uplifting vibration can sway the group dynamics in a very significant way.

The vibrational intensity has practical implications. When the group dynamics are very negative the angelic realm influence is hampered and thus provides the opportunity for non-beneficial energies to create chaos in the group. You can counteract the negative patterns of the group and outside energies with several angelic healing tools. You can use the Angelic Resonance® Clearing of Negativity technique and/or put in qualities needed or the magnification symbol within the Angelic Resonance® sphere and let it expand out over the situation. You could also hold the Primordial Inspiration Soul Symbol over the situation as well.

Much love and light to you all.
