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The Inner and Outer Teachings© is a philosophical and practical approach for living life more powerfully. Throughout the course you will learn how unresolved aspects in your inner world affect what shows up in your outer, everyday reality and how energies in your outer environment affect your inner peace and state of being.
The course teaches you how to identify these unseen energies and provides techniques to balance their impact so that they do not rob you of your joy and bliss. Sufficient time will be allowed to practice and become skillful in applying the techniques taught in class.
The healing techniques draw heavily upon the enlightened abilities of the angelic kingdom, the Buddhist deities, Jesus, Mary, Saint Germaine, and other beings of light. The techniques taught in the course can be used on yourself and others.
In this course, you will learn how to:
You will also learn how to conduct a healing session, including: preparing yourself and the space prior to the session; creating a safe space and why it is essential to do so; taking notes during the session; and post-
The use of the pendulum will be taught to assist you in (a) identifying which energies may be affecting your inner and outer realities and (b) monitoring the release of the interfering energies.
The Inner and Outer Teachings© course material is a synthesis of my over 40 years of formal training in the healing arts. Many techniques which originally took over an hour to complete can now be accomplished in two or three seconds through the assistance of enlightened beings. The healing disciplines taught in this course blend Buddhist, angelic and shamanistic approaches.
You will receive several attunements to connect you with the enlightened beings who assist with the healing techniques covered in the course.
Who is the workshop for?
The workshop is for serious students who wish to speed up their spiritual progression, better manage their energy fields, learn how to transmute personal issues and karma, and clear their surrounding space of non-
Prerequisites: None
Cost: $600 for the two 3-
Inner and Outer Teachings©