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What does it cost?

The fee for clearing the property is $150, assuming that an onsite clearing is not required.  If an onsite clearing is requested or required, the cost will be determined on an hourly basis as outlined below.

In the rare case where the property can not be balanced by solely energetic techniques, the additional material costs will be passed along accordingly.

What is required for the clearing?

For an offsite clearing, all that is required are floor plans, photos or rough hand-drawn sketch of the rooms and property.  The exact proportions/ measurements or placement of furniture are not are generally important.

The final stage of clearing and balancing occurs during the walk through room-by-room with the owner or real estate agent..

Self Assessment Questions

Here are a few questions that you can ask yourself to determine whether your property may need a clearing.

-constantly getting sick?

-chronically ill?

-suffering from fatigue?

-having problems with mental clarity?

-experiencing a reoccurring condition?

If you have any of these experiences, take the precaution of having your home and/or office checked for the presence of  non-beneficial energies.

Call today to get a  free over-the-phone, geopathic stress  assessment.

                                                                            (703) 371-2174

Providing services to buyers, sellers, renters, homeowners, office workers & real estate brokers

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